


Mindfulness allows you to practice short moments of anxiety utterly free of anxiety in the company of a professional coach who will give you valuable insights as to why we have dramatic mood swings and how we overcome them in total safety.

It’s a bit like learning to drive a car, but with far more potential to enjoy emotions while not being governed by them that will free you from being a victim of your inner dialogue or from external happenings.

Gradually, you will move the dial from unconscious incompetence to conscious incompetence (you are becoming more mindful!)—finally, your transition to conscious competence. You are, for sure, on the path to total freedom.

While there is some theory to Mindfulness Mastery, the heavy emphasis is on practical application. We need a new way of seeing and a new way of responding appropriately to any given situation. “For truth to be true, it must be simple and unequivocal” A Course In Miracles. So we emphasise making everything simple and usable in everyday experience, one moment at a time, one day at a time.

We do use paradigm learning as a way of reminding ourselves of our evolutionary nature. Fortunately, we no longer believe the world is flat! However, we do think it is possible for everyone to experience a more extraordinary richness in life, a way of being that is fully empowered. Fully awake to our radical reality. No longer an emotional puppet, but fully able to embrace life for a new level of personal empowerment.

Total Freedom Mindfulness is the prize to your Ultimate Self

Life Coach:

Joseph Geraghty, Founder School of Mastery. 0863980233

Do leave a message if we can’t pick up right away with your name, email, or telephone number. We are not hindered by distance as our professional service is offered with Zoom, which was born out of necessity during the last two years of the Covid experience and now continues by popular demand.